
Place attachment n.:

A theoretical concept that focuses on the linkage between a person’s environment, behaviors, attitudes, experiences, and their emotional attachment to a place.

Forgotten places, they are almost meaningless.
Just walls and windows, sometimes columns.
But those corners meant something sometime.
Not so long ago we were friends. Helped each other in the hard times.
So how come I almost forgot about them?

Sometimes I find myself longing. Longing for the past, the memories I have…
I wish I could go back. But would it be good? I am afraid it wouldn’t be the same.
My memories changed. 

Maybe I changed.
The walls are the same, and the corners are standing strong just like before.
So how come I feel different now? That familiar feeling, the touch of the walls,
the shade of the corners are not my friends anymore.
I don’t know them, and once one was my partner is now just a stranger.
